Mother's Day Q+A with Angela
The owner of Pour Petite, and all around wonderful boss woman, Angela. She is responsible for all elements of the business - from design and production, to web, admin and everything that comes with owning a small, sustainable clothing range.
Angela is also mum to fabulous, four year old boy Frankie, and charming little two year old girl, Sylvie.
Firstly, as the owner of Pour Petite (as well as restaurant - Milk & Honey) and being mother to a four year old and two year old, can you tell us a bit about how you 'balance' working and motherhood...
I don't know if I do, having multiple businesses, and with the hours of hospitality it is pretty difficult - especially when you're dealing with a pandemic as well! One thing that has worked for me has been setting boundaries around work and my time, and communicating these to the people I work with as well. When I am with my kids, I try to make sure they have my full attention as much as possible, and have a weekly 'family day' that is just for us with no interruptions.
I don't know if I do, having multiple businesses, and with the hours of hospitality it is pretty difficult - especially when you're dealing with a pandemic as well! One thing that has worked for me has been setting boundaries around work and my time, and communicating these to the people I work with as well. When I am with my kids, I try to make sure they have my full attention as much as possible, and have a weekly 'family day' that is just for us with no interruptions.
Best outfit for play from Pour Petite - for my daughter, I LOVE her in the bloomer set. She is spoilt and has them in every colour because I just love that set so much. My son loves the short sets, and if he sleeps in them as his pyjamas, he won't take them off for the day ahead (very handy for a rushed morning!), we've also moved on to the long sets for the cooler days we have started to have.
The best advice I have for new(er) mums is - Google is not your friend. Find an actual friend (or family member) who you do trust, and ask them ALL the questions - nothing should be off limits when it comes to being a first time Mum, no matter how silly (or gross) you think it might be.
My favourite part of a day with my kids - When they wake up in the morning and we have a big family cuddle in bed together. Or friday night movie night, snuggled up on the couch together.
What has been your favourite age of your children so far - Ohh, this is a hard one. I think every stage has its amazing moments. Although my son has just turned four and I have to say, I am finding this age particularly enjoyable - he is so sweet, we can actually have the best little conversations, and he is growing and learning so much - it's pretty amazing to see!
This Mothers Day…
All I want is – a sleep in, and breakfast out at a cafe where my kids behave and stay in their seats. Not asking too much, right?
What I truly need is – for my kids to sleep later than 5.30am so I can have an hour to myself in the morning before anyone else wakes up!

Frankie, 4 years old, wears the Long Set in Rust size 4.