Mother's Day Q+A with Alanah

Our newcomer to Pour Petite, Alanah. is responsible for various elements of our store, including newsletters and blog posts.
Alanah is Mum to one sweet little two year old girl, Stevie.
Read our little Q+A below to learn more!
Having a two-year-old and two part-time jobs, can you tell us how you balance your work roles with your role as a mother.. I count myself lucky that we are currently in a position where I work two full days (daycare days!) a week, as well as various flexible hours for the incredible Ange at Pour Petite. Meaning I get a solid 4 or 5 wonderful, intense and busy days with Stevie. This allows me to focus on my work when I am at work and my daughter when I am with her. The only way to 'balance' is making laundry, cleaning the house and tidying up a part of our 'exciting activities' every day - I have done this since Stevie was born and it really helps me to fit everything in. As any parent knows, some days go smoothly and some are explosive, we just have to ride the wave (together if possible!) that is parenthood.
What kind of mum are you – I’m and “I’ll ask my mum/big sister mum” and, of course, a “tired mum”
What has been your favourite age of your child so far – My daughter’s current age, 2, is by far my favourite. She literally says a new word almost every day, and has become such a little person, rather than a baby. There is so much joy (and patience) in our days together.
Favourite book to read to your little one - We love all the books by Sophie Beer.
Stevie was obsessed with the bright pictures when she was younger, and now 'reads' along with the books every day. I love that they help my husband and me explain different families, people, the world and how to be kind!
Stevie was obsessed with the bright pictures when she was younger, and now 'reads' along with the books every day. I love that they help my husband and me explain different families, people, the world and how to be kind!
This Mothers Day…
All I want is – so cliché but SLEEP. My (sweet) daughter has unfortunately never been much of a sleeper.
What I truly need is – an eyebrow wax and a maincure + pedicure

Stevie, 2 years old, wears our sweet dress in size 2/3