Mother's Day with Pour Petite
This Mother's Day, we wanted to highlight our incredible team. Our small business consists entirely of Mothers, and we love to celebrate it! The balance of this type of work and time with our child/ren makes us better mothers.
Did you know - Mothers are generally the ones working part-time and flexible hours so that we can still manage 30 hours of housework and 30 hours of childcare a week. We're the first generation to be doing it like this, it's a brave new world, with moments of exhaustion, frustration, pure joy and satisfaction (rare, but real good when it happens).
Everyone has a different experience of being a mother, follow our series where we shed some light on our own unique circumstances, with the mums of Pour Petite.
Our owner and ultimate boss - Angela Honeywell.
All rounder and right hand woman - Chelsea Bagshaw.
Newcomer to Pour Petite and newsletter whizz - Alanah Blake.

Our colourful tribe of Pour Petite children.